About this site
"I Have Doubt!" is my personal blog. At this writing (at the start of 2025), I'm not entirely sure what I'll be writing about. Some baking/cooking, not quite a recipe blog but I do have a few of those to share. Also general life stuff. It's a weird-ass time out there right now, and I want to have a voice without funneling everything through social media.

About me
My name is Humu, and I live in San Francisco with my husband and daughter. I like to bake and cook, and I enjoy challenging myself to learn new techniques. These days, it's meant a lot of bread (though I don't like sourdough). I love creating things, and I love sharing what I create. I love seeing old friends, and I love making new friends. I'm pretty passionate about trying to make the world a better place, which feels like an awfully tall order these days.
I grew up in Seattle, I've lived in Hawaiʻi and Los Angeles, and I've been in the Bay Area for over 20 years.
You can learn more at Humuhumu.com.
Why "I Have Doubt!"?
This takes some thoughtful explanation, so it has its own post, here:

If you want, you can sign up to get my posts emailed to you. It's like the old days of RSS, only worse! But it's the way of things these days, I guess. If you decide it's too much email and unsubscribe... my friend, I am right there with you. I won't take it personally.
Comments are welcome! As long as you follow one simple social rule: interact with me here the same way you would interact with me at an in-person party with other folks listening. If you say something shitty, don't be surprised if you get booted from the party. If what you have to say is more of a pull-me-aside thing, that's what email is for: hello@humuhumu.com. No guarantees you'll get a response, I've got a real world life that takes precedence.

Ads, Trackers, Analytics, Product Placement
Ew. No. I'm not trying to make money on this thing. Right now, it doesn't cost me much to run this site. If it balloons and starts costing me more, maybe I'll add a subscription option or tip jar or something, to offset the server costs.
Part of the whole drive behind having my own site is to get away from all the gross privacy-invading that happens everywhere online. I don't even have Google Analytics on here; don't want it, don't need it. I don't know how many people are coming to the site. I'm not creeping on you and tracking what you're reading.
One exception is that the newsletter has some analytics that are baked into it; I might remove those if I'm confident I don't need them for some reason.
When I mention a product, it's not an affiliate kind of deal, I just want to let you know about something. No ads, no sponsorships, I'm not getting any freebies. It's not complicated. There isn't an angle here.
Psst... want yer own blog?
Are you also wanting to break free from the tech oligarchs? I'm using Ghost for this blog, and I recommend it if you're considering carving out your own little non-poisoned corner of the Internet. It's easy to use, and they have a free trial version. I don't get anything for recommending it to you, I just want more folks to know about this option.