Adding audio to "I Have Doubt!"

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Photo by Lee Soo hyun / Unsplash
Adding audio to "I Have Doubt!"

I've started to record audio versions of all of the posts on I Have Doubt! I figure, it's a good thing to do for accessibility, and it's not that hard. Technology has come a long way, but screen readers have to be pretty clunky to use, right? I'm no pro at recording, but hopefully taking a moment to record my words in my own voice is an upgrade for folks with vision impairments.

And like pretty much anything you can do to make something more accessible, it will hopefully be a welcome feature for those who don't need it, too. Lots of people seem to like podcasts, which isn't my bag, but I can see how listening to posts instead of reading them might fit better into some folks' busy days.

I've recorded audio for a small handful of posts, the earliest ones. You'll find the player near the top of the page, below the title. It'll take a while to get caught up, but I do aim to get audio versions for all of the old posts, and to have audio versions for all new blog posts.

I'm HIGHLY UNLIKELY to be listening to these recordings much, so if something is haywire or repellent about them, please let me know. And especially if you are opting for the audio version as an accommodation for a disability, please let me know how it's working for you, and if there's anything I can do better.