Ease into the Daylight Saving Time change

I have a (relatively) gentle approach to the Daylight Saving Time shift that almost makes it tolerable.

Vintage ad for an alarm radio: "Noted doctor proves GE Clock-Radio wakes you Soothingly... but alarms wake you with SHOCK"
Ease into the Daylight Saving Time change

It's almost time to do another Daylight Saving Time shift. Like most everyone else, I abhor the time shifting we do. It's brutal and I wish we would stop. Stick to the summer clock, or the winter clock, whatever, I don't care, just stop jerking us around multiple times a year. (But if you're asking me, I like the summer clock much, much better.)

Here's my tip: don't do it all in one night. Spread the time change over a few days.

When Wanda was little, having a consistent sleep schedule was both critical and tricky. (ADHD folks & sleep is a whooooooooole ass thing.) Shocking her internal clock like that would have meant a lot of harsh recovery time; I had to come up with a better way. My solution was to shift her schedule only 15 minutes at a time, spaced a few days apart. And it worked!

Now that she's older, we don't have to be quite so cautious. We still only do 15 minutes at a time, but we do it over four days.

Spring forward!

  • Wednesday: go to bed 15 minutes early
  • Thursday: wake up 15 minutes early, go to bed 30 minutes early
  • Friday: wake up 30 minutes early, go to bed 45 minutes early
  • Saturday: wake up 45 minutes early, go to bed one hour early
  • Sunday: you're on the new schedule!

Fall back!

  • Wednesday: go to bed 15 minutes late
  • Thursday: wake up 15 minutes late, go to bed 30 minutes late
  • Friday: wake up 30 minutes late, go to bed 45 minutes late
  • Saturday: wake up 45 minutes late, go to bed one hour late
  • Sunday: you're on the new schedule!

I also move my meal times, so my whole body is on board. It still sucks and is very, very stupid! But at least it's not such a shock to the system.

One chihuahua is sitting at a car window, when a second, hidden chihuahua, very groggy, drags himself up.
Me after a clock change.

While looking for artwork for this post, I learned about Martyl Langsdorf, the creator of the Doomsday Clock concept. She'd been approached to create the cover artwork for the Bulletin of the Atomic Scientists. It contained a collection of writings by scientists at the University of Chicago; some of them had worked on the atomic bomb project, and they were worried about the direction of things. Langsdorf created a graphic depiction of a clock at 7 minutes to midnight to convey a sense of urgency. The Doomsday Clock has lived on as a way for scientists to communicate concern. Feels relevant.